Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nurgle Terminators

I had some time this past week, so I started up a few sample paintings. This was a fairly quick one for Games Workshop. I remember reading in some of their submission guidelines that they need to see how I would paint some of their characters. So here are some grimy, bloated Nurgle Chaos Terminators standing over some fallen Biel Tan Guardians. This was really fun too do. It's 100% digital, and literally started as a page of scribbles, which was a venture for me, because my art ed. background is as a draftsman. Worked out pretty well though. Scratchy, messy, dirty (like Nurgle should be) was great fun to paint, especially when contrasting it with the well-designed Eldar. Hope you like.
The next two sample paintings will be primarily for Irene Gallo over at Tor Books. One will be the robot sentry oil, and the other is the undead ambushing adventurers in mixed media...